time -h option not working?

Tim Aslat tim at spyderweb.com.au
Thu Apr 3 18:43:16 PST 2003

In the immortal words of "Carl Morley" <bsdmn at webize.com.au>...
> I just tried to use the time command to time a process, but with the
> -h(human readable) output option:
> Eg. time -h ping -c 5 some_ip_address
> But I get back:
> -h: Command not found.
> 0.000u 0.000s 0:00.00 0.0%      0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

type which time and you will probably find that it's an internal command
to tcsh and the -h switch doesn't work except fr the actual base system

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