devel/autogen ; port test

chukharev at chukharev at
Mon Mar 8 21:11:23 UTC 2010

The 'port test' command (ports-mgmt/porttools) tests a port for a number of
possible errors by running portlint, building, packaging, installing, and
de-installing with a check for left files. This is done with defined PREFIX and
PKG_DBDIR variables. 'port test' command is recommended by the Porter's Handbook.

Note that the port installs the usual way.

$ cd devel/autogen ; port test

===> Validating port with portlint
FATAL: Makefile: extra item "DISTFILES" placed in the MAINTAINER section.
FATAL: Makefile: COMMENT has to be there.
WARN: Makefile: "COMMENT" has to appear earlier.
WARN: Makefile: "MAINTAINER" has to appear earlier.
WARN: Makefile: "COMMENT" has to appear earlier.
WARN: Makefile: "LIB_DEPENDS" has to appear earlier.
2 fatal errors and 4 warnings found.
Error validating port

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