FreeBSD 4.9 RC1 (i386) now available

Chris Pepper pepper at
Mon Sep 29 20:44:22 PDT 2003

At 8:19 AM -0700 2003/09/29, Murray Stokely wrote:
>Not all FTP sites have the first release candidate, but it is at least
>available from  Please download and install this
>candidate and help us find bugs BEFORE we call it 4.9-RELEASE.
>We are particularly interested in having people test this release
>candidate on a heavily loaded system, or on large memory machines, so
>that the stability of the PAE merge can be tested.

	I did a serial install on an HP Pavilion 7915 (a 1.1GHz 
Celeron I started with 4.5-RELEASE on, and have done dozens of 
installs on although never before via the serial port), and ended up 
with a scrambled boot block.

	When I choose vt100 (option #2), the display is scrambled 
(lines wrap, option titles shift up and down when using the arrows, 
and get out of sync with the descriptions on the right side). With 
ANSI (option #1), I couldn't move into the main options area -- all 4 
arrows, as well as tab, ask me if I really wanted to abort, and 
there's no visible way to do anything but exit.

	Anyway, I thought I accepted the default BootMgr option 
(under vt100 mode), and I was definitely using it under 4.9-PRE 
before running sysinstall, but when I was done F2 wouldn't start 
FreeBSD (off disk2s2a -- F1 started  Windows okay, but that's not 
useful). I was able to boot the 4.9RC1 CD, and then load and boot the 
kernel off disk2s2a.

	When trying a more complete install via the PS/2 keyboard and 
onboard video, I got an error that rep-gtk2-0.17_2,1 was a dependency 
but couldn't be found, and sawfish2-1.3_3,2 aborted install with 
error 1. The sawfish error told me to check the debug screen for more 
info, but didn't say how to do so. I tried cycling through consoles; 
Ctl-Alt-F2 showed the rep-gtk2 error but no sawfish error; F4 showed 
a prompt, and F1 brought me back to the installer, but F3 (as well as 
F5 and above) just beeped, without showing the display. Long term, 
the error mentioning the debug screen should say how to get there.

	Similar failure on openldap-client-2.1.22 (error 1); 
apparently there's a conflict with openldap-client-2.0.27, already 
installed as a dependency for something else (according to the output 
on F2).

	Additional unspecified errors on kdelibs-3.1.3, & kdeaddons-3.1.4.

	At this point, it cycled around through the same openldap & 
kde errors several times (5 full rounds or so), before continuing 
back to the main sysinstall menu. When I tried to configure XFree86 
Desktop, and selected KDE, I got the same openldap & kde* errors...

	Despite all this, the non-serial install completed and 
rebooted into F2 FreeBSD successfully. I'll repeat the serial install 
tomorrow, to see if I can reproduce the broken boot manager behavior.


						Chris Pepper
Chris Pepper:               <>
Rockefeller University:     <>

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