5.2RC2 - timeouts with tertiary IDE controller & CD-ROM

MikeM zlists at mgm51.com
Tue Dec 30 15:57:06 PST 2003

--On Monday, December 29, 2003 6:50 PM -0800 Doug White
<dwhite at gumbysoft.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, MikeM wrote:
>> Hopefully this is the correct list to post this on...
>> I have a Dell 600SC server that I use to store my MP3's.  Whenever
>> the CD-ROM drive is plugged into the tertiary IDE controller I see
>> timeouts during the boot process.   If I move the CD-ROM drive over
>> to the secondary IDE controller, everything works fine.  FreeBSD 4.9 
>> has no problems with the CD-ROM plugged into the tertiary controller.
> Yay timing issues. Your drive is jumpered for master and/or single
> operation, yes? 

Unknown.   The CD-ROM drive is a no-name drive that has no documentation
for the jumper(s).

> have you replaced the cable?

I just replaced the cable with another, and I saw the same symptoms.
Additionally, the previous cable has worked fine on FreebSD 4.9 and RH
Linux 8.0 (can I say that here) when the CD-ROM is plugged into the
tertiary IDE controller.  The previous cable also worked fine with FreeBSD
5.2RC2 when the the CD-ROM was plugged into the secondary IDE controller.

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