Postgresql + Python

Rafael Espíndola rafaelespindola at
Tue Nov 27 11:26:43 UTC 2012

I have nothing, I just had a test done in make.conf putting the default version of Python as a 3, so at the time of installation of "databases / postgresql-plpython" he installed version 3.2 instead of 2.7, the anyway missed the libraries when it installs in version 2.7 it installs the libraries certinho (plpythonu and plpython2u).

But this was only a test, currently have nothing in / etc / make.conf

Rafael da Silva Espíndola
Espíndola Segurança da Informação
(48) 3624-1217
(48) 9976-3015

Em 27/11/2012, às 09:14, Palle Girgensohn <girgen at> escreveu:

> And do you have anything relevant in /etc/make.conf?

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