ports/115761: new port: devel/py-boto

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at infidyne.com
Sun Aug 26 08:49:14 PDT 2007

Sorry about the incompleteness/incorrectness of the submission. Been a
while since I submitted a port last, and I should have taken more time
to ensure I was complying.

> * Add the heading comments just as in any other port. Use $FreeBSD$, it will
>   be expanded automatically


> * Use ports-mgmt/portlint to check the port before submitting the shar,
>   it should produce no warnings or fatals

Done. It correctly points out the non-redundancy of MASTER_SITES. I'd
be happy to host a mirror on distfiles.scode.org if that is considered
appropriate. Should I do that and re-submit?

> * pkg-plist must be sorted alphabetically, not like this:
>   %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/boto/ec2/__init__.pyc
>   %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/boto/ec2/connection.pyc
>   %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/boto/ec2/image.pyc
>   %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/boto/ec2/instance.pyc
>   %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/boto/ec2/keypair.pyc
>   %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/boto/ec2/securitygroup.pyc
>   %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/boto/ec2/__init__.pyo


> * Explain why is files/patch-setup.py needed? What happens, without that
>   patch?

Added comment to patch. It got installed as PREFIX/bin/test.py which
is a very generic name. In the interest of minimal downstream
patching/maintenance, I just commented it out rather than renamed it
or made it be installed elsewhere, given that it is not likely to be
very interesting for users of the port.

> * Remove the trailing space after "Mechanical Turk" in pkg-descr


> * Submit the shar as an attachment so it is available in the PR system
>   even after you remove it from your site. Uploading it into your site
>   and posting a link makes it easier to fetch, if you are not bothered,
>   do both :-)

Attached. Also available as:


/ Peter Schuller

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