booting HP ProLiant Gen8 MicroServer from 2x3TB Toshiba disks?

Malcolm Herbert mjch at
Mon Oct 20 02:49:38 UTC 2014

folks - I'm having great problems when attempting to get this
host to boot FreeBSD from the internal disks.

I have in the past run FreeNAS on it however the host was
booting from an external USB thumbdrive as FreeNAS refuses to
allow a disk to contain the OS as well as data (by my

I did initially install FreeBSD 9.3 using the same USB drive
and had that working OK with a ZFS mirror of the internal
disks, however this was slow when fetching binaries via USB and
in any event, the thumbdrive died completely a week or two ago.

Since then I've tried installing 10.0 onto the two internal
disks, selecting the experimental 'install to ZFS root' option
however no combination of GPT/MBR or disk block sizes that I
have tried so far has worked - I've also tried installing as a
UFS root system just to completely explore the problem space
but had no luck with that either ...

I had the internal disks known to the array but not configured,
and have also stepped through different SATA modes that the
board offers to no avail.

I do have some more information and photos of the console at
home with the crash dump details but so far it's got me

Has anyone else tried installation onto one of these units?
Has anything like this occurred to others?  I'm aiming to
configure the host to boot from an encrypted ZFS root mirror



Malcolm Herbert
mjch at

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