Xorg, 2 cards, jail, two computers.

James Sarrett jsarrett at gmail.com
Sat Dec 17 17:14:12 UTC 2011

Probably, give it a shot. The worst is will do is screw up your graphics 
display, so as long as you cna still ssh in you'll be fine.

On 12/16/2011 12:27 PM, Super Bisquit wrote:
>   Is it possible to run "Xorg -configure -retro" from a jail after adding a
> second card and commenting out the primary/host card?
>   In said jail assign a second NIC to it. The card will serve as a dhcp
> router and the iMac G4 would be connected to it- with a crossover cable.
> Sort of Computer-[jail(matrox card&  2nd monitor, tulip NIC as dhcpserver
> for jail)]- network.
> Also usb:A to A data transfer, can this be used for ssh logins between
> machines? I know it isn't IP protocol but also want to know if one of the
> SunBlades could be added.
> Also can a jail to jail- iMac_jail to separate Quicksilver_jail- be used?
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