About hot-plugging support in FreeBSD

Rajat Jain rajatjain at juniper.net
Mon Feb 1 06:38:19 UTC 2010


I'm a newbie to the FreeBSD and have come from Linux background, hence
please pardon me if this is not the right list for my questions, and
please point me to the correct list: 

1) Does FreeBSD support PCI-Express hot-plugging? I could not even find
any instances in the source code that suggest that even PCI hot-plugging
is supported. Is it supported? Can you please point me to appropriate
references in the code?

>From the links below it seems, that the PCI hot-plug is definitely in
the roadmap, but it seems that it is a distant target?
Is work already being done on this? Is some limited support available?

2) How and WHERE in the code is the "PCI Enumeration" and the "PCI
resource allocation" done?:

2a) Does FreeBSD does its own PCI resource allocation / PCI bus
numbering, or does it simply use the one already done by the BIOS /

2b) In case it does its own PCI resource management, is the PCI
Enumeration done only at the boot time, or devices can be detected and
added later at run-time as well? [Please note that for adding at run
time, we'll need certain PCI resource pre-reserved in anticipation of
any new devices]

I'd appreciate if you could provide me any pointers...



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