Looks like threading is b0rken on FreeBSD/powerpc

Peter Grehan grehan at freebsd.org
Fri Aug 4 21:06:52 UTC 2006

> Question:
> 	struct pcb has an array called pcb_context, which is
> used to store non-volatile registers. The ABI tells me that
> general registers 13 to 31 are to be saved. FreeBSD also saves
> R12, according to the operands of the stmw intruction and the
> description of that instruction.
> Is this observation correct (i.e. that we also save R12 in the
> PCB) and is this intentional?

  It was. At the time there was register corruption and I think I 
decided to be more safe than sorry. I may have been reading something 
about r12 in the EABI that led me to believe that it needed to be saved.

  I don't believe there's any need for it to be saved.



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