Booting FreeBSD after first boot

Peter Grehan grehan at
Sun Nov 6 15:35:08 PST 2005

Hi Arun,

> As suggested in the release notes, I used:
> 0 > boot cd:,\boot\loader hd:xx
> to boot FreeBSD 6.0 the first time. But I'd like to boot FreeBSD without 
> the CD. Since OF can't boot from UFS2, I created a small (1GB) HFS 
> partition using the Apple disk utility.
> Now, how do I transfer /boot/loader into that partition, so that I can 
> boot FreeBSD without using a CD?

  I guess I dual-boot all my machines and copy the file into '/' from 
the CD when in OSX. And then it's

0 > boot hd:loader hd:xx

> Any other suggestions on how to boot FreeBSD on a Mac?

  For an automatic boot, you have to create a CHRP bootscript (an XML 
text file) that will reside on the HFS partition. There's been a bit of 
discussion about this on the list e.g. see:



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