PearPC support

Peter Grehan grehan at
Thu Jul 15 06:13:28 PDT 2004

I've put up diffs against PearPC 0.2 ( at

There's also sample config file and a README describing the diffs.
Syscons works with a 32-bit framebuffer, but is hideously slow.
It's best to break into the loader and 'set hw.syscons.disable=1'.

The system doesn't quite get to single user - I'm investigating.
I've been booting with a CD image that's also bootable on a Mac.
The incantation to do this is, from the root CD directory:

mkisofs -r -hfs -map ../ -part -no-desktop -hfs-bless ./boot 
-hfs-volid FreeBSD/PPC -o ../image.iso .

  The file fbsd.tbxi has to be copied into the boot directory on
the CD, where the loader lives. Both and fbsd.tbxi are
available at



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