Proposed ports git transition schedule

@lbutlr kremels at
Sun Mar 28 15:11:27 UTC 2021

On 27 Mar 2021, at 08:20, Felix Palmen <felix at> wrote:
> I'm talking about net/gitup, which is a little C program with
> *no* dependencies and definitely no python involved. If you don't have
> it in your ports tree, upgrade your ports tree.

Just for clarity sakes, running gitup ports wight now would replace running portsnap?

But we should update it to point to a different server at some point in the future?

Would I be safe in removing the stable and current blocks from the gitup.conf file since I will never use those?

Might I suggest that -v should mean -v 1 and -vv should mean -v 2? As it is, -v means -v 0 and that seems odd?

There's no cron flag, so does this mean we do not need to be concerned with when the process runs? Is it safe to run it more than once a day? I mean, I doubt GitHub cares at this point, but looking forward…

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