Proposed ports git transition schedule

Felix Palmen felix at
Fri Mar 26 18:30:06 UTC 2021

* Bob Eager <rde at> [20210326 14:27]:
> On Fri, 26 Mar 2021 14:04:17 +0100
> Felix Palmen <felix at> wrote:
> > I never used portsnap, but I'd assume net/gitup should serve the same
> > usecase.
> > 
> Probably. So would git.

Only that net/gitup is very lightweight and doesn't use git, so if you
want to just get the latest contents of a git repository, that's
probably what you want to use.

> But portsnap needs no more at all than the above. All of the rest (repo
> details, security checks, etc.) are all done internally.

I don't get what you mean. Repo details? A URL. There's example
configurations containing the correct ones, just like portsnap has a
server configured where to fetch snapshots from.

And that's all it does, it doesn't do any "security checks", that's
handled by pkg audit.

I'd assume (someone may correct me) that portsnap will still be
supported, as the snapshots don't depend on svn or git. But as you asked
for a replacement for git, gitup comes to mind as a simple tool.

 Dipl.-Inform. Felix Palmen  <felix at>   ,.//..........
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