Problems with updating a port due to top directory in tarball

Jan Beich jbeich at
Thu Mar 4 00:42:06 UTC 2021

Kevin Oberman <rkoberman at> writes:

> I'm trying to update a port I maintain. Since I last updated, it moved from
> ISC to github and it uses unusual naming conventions.
> The distfile is "irrtoolset/archive/release-5.1.3.tar.gz". I can work
> around this with a DIST_SUBDIR and DISTNAME, but when the extract takes
> place,  the top directory in the tarball is "irrtoolset-release-5.1.3".
> Since this is not expected, patch fails.

Try DISTVERSIONPREFIX=release- like devel/googletest. USE_GITHUB renames
distfile via ?dummy=/ in MASTER_SITES, so you don't need to manually set

$ make fetch-urlall-list MASTER_SITE_BACKUP=

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