Updating devel/tbb - Introducing devel/onetbb

Shane Ambler FreeBSD at ShaneWare.Biz
Sat Jan 9 08:49:37 UTC 2021

On 8/1/21 9:51 pm, Ganael Laplanche wrote:

> - leave devel/tbb in place and introduce a new port: devel/onetbb

While I would generally support moving the old libs to a new portname,
the fact that the project has renamed itself makes this acceptable.

> - design devel/onetbb to install files in dedicated subdirs so that it will
> not CONFLICT with current devel/tbb (needed during migration phase)
> - provide a pkgconf file that will be used by dependencies to locate those
> files and include/link options easily

The expected result is to have onetbb as the only option in the future,
you should leave the new port to use a standard install and only if
there is a need for it, alter the old port to co-install, you could get
lucky and not have anyone that wants both versions installed.

Use bugs.freebsd to manage the update, start with submitting onetbb, and
add conflicts with tbb. If dependent ports don't update and people want
both installed, submit changes to allow tbb to co-install and have
depends on bugs for each port that breaks so they get updated when the
tbb changes get committed.

The blender port uses seven of the other ports (with options on), with
three others being slaves of one, so I expect that means a third of the
ports will need to be updated together, as I doubt they will work
together if they link to different tbb libs.

> - add a PKGNAMESUFFIX to devel/tbb to 'freeze' its version and modify
> description to indicate the 'legacy' status of the port

I don't see a need to make these changes to the existing port. Maybe
adding a note in the pkg-descr could make people aware of the new port.

> - [let maintainers migrate their ports to that new version]
> - at some time (?), mark devel/tbb as DEPRECATED with an EXPIRATION_DATE and
> do the same for remaining (non-updated) deps

As long as the existing tbb library compiles, it can stay as it is. Once
maintaining the old port to build with new compilers/systems becomes a
chore, then mark tbb and deps as deprecated and give them six months to
update or be deleted. If all the deps get updated before then, the old
tbb port can just be deleted.

If a port or two wants to stay with the old tbb, then let them maintain
the tbb port.

FreeBSD - the place to B...Software Developing

Shane Ambler

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