Question on figuring out category for new port

Kurt Jaeger pi at
Sun Feb 7 09:17:22 UTC 2021


> Hello so I was wanting to make a new port for python-adblock
> ( so it can be added as a 
> dependency of www/qutebrowser but I'm not quite sure what is the correct 
> category for such a port. I can easily see it falling under net, net-mgmt, or 
> www although I'm thinking since it is browser related it would fall under www.
> I wanted to run this by the list to see which would be the better option. 
> Would www be the best option here?

How is the blocking achieved ? Does it hook into the DNS lookups ?
Does it parse webpages/javascript and detect patterns ? Does it
use IP blacklists ?

www sounds ok, or DNS, if it's DNS-based. net, if it uses IP blacklists.

pi at            +49 171 3101372                    Now what ?

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