Handling directory ownership in pkg-plist

Chris portmaster at bsdforge.com
Sun Feb 7 03:56:44 UTC 2021

On 2021-02-06 13:34, Chris Rees wrote:
> Hi all,
> Resurrecting audio/ampache-resurrect, and I have @owner www/@group www above 
> all
> of the WWWDIR files, and they are correctly owned.  However, the directories 
> under
> it are all still owned by root:wheel, and if I explicitly add them all with 
> @dir
> pkg then complains about not being able to find them.
> Would it be unacceptable to just have @exec chown -R www:www %D/%%WWWDIR%% 
> at the bottom?
Yes. By way of pre-install:
You'll probably get a complaint unless you use: ${CHOWN}
> Chris

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