Any plan to fix ports git main history compatibility with old GitHub master?

Ulrich Spörlein uqs at
Tue Apr 6 17:08:30 UTC 2021

On Mon, 2021-04-05 at 21:45:57 +0000, Brooks Davis wrote:
>On Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 05:33:08PM -0300, Eric Turgeon wrote:
>> Today when trying to sync the GhostBSD ports tree with the FreeBSD ports
>> tree, I found out the main branch history is not compatible with the old
>> GitHub master.
>> Any plan to migrate to main with hold git history as we had with
>> freebsd-src?
>The main branch will contain a commit which is identical to the last
>commit of the old master branch (except for the hash).  If the GhostBSD
>repo is merged up to that point, you can then merge the matching commit
>from main and proceed with using main as the source for future merges.
>If you have outstanding WIPs the process of updating them to the new history
>should be about the same as the one for source:

This special commit was only provided for the `src` repo and will not be 
provided for the ports repo. It is fairly trivial to do this yourself 
and there's documentation around this here:

It should roughly go like this:
1. add both remotes and fetch from them
2. merge into old master as usual (this is e010feae47ac7fda1354fb3b12290a5ee42ef590)
3. merge into main at the same instant in time, using your own tree:
    git merge -s ours --allow-unrelated-histories 3cc0c0d66a065554459bd2f9b4f80cc07426464a
4. now merge into the new origin/main from now on and forevermore

hth, please let me know if you need further help!

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