dependency on cliqz browser?

Lena at Lena at
Thu Oct 22 12:03:49 UTC 2020

> > After last packages update for 11.4 i386 latest,
> > why does `pkg upgrade` want to install "cliqz" web-browser?
> > claims "There are no ports dependent upon this port".
> >
> > New packages to be INSTALLED:
> >         cliqz: 1.38.0_4
> >         libglvnd: 1.3.2
> >         sndio: 1.7.0
> Can you show `pkg check -d` output?

Checking all packages: .......... done
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-xorg-libs
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-fontconfig
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-expat
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-nss
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-cyrus-sasl2
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-openldap
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-curl
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux_base-c6
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-nspr
google-earth has a missing dependency: linux-c6-sqlite
linux-skype_oss_wrapper has a missing dependency: linux_base-c6
mutt14 is missing a required shared library:
mutt14 is missing a required shared library:
palemoon is missing a required shared library:
palemoon is missing a required shared library:
palemoon is missing a required shared library:
palemoon is missing a required shared library:
skype4 has a missing dependency: linux-c6-xorg-libs
skype4 has a missing dependency: linux-c6-qt47-x11
skype4 has a missing dependency: linux-c6-fontconfig
skype4 has a missing dependency: linux-c6-qt47-webkit
skype4 has a missing dependency: linux-c6-openssl
skype4 has a missing dependency: linux-c6-libv4l
skype4 has a missing dependency: linux-c6-qt47
skype4 has a missing dependency: linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs
waterfox is missing a required shared library:
waterfox is missing a required shared library:

>>> Missing package dependencies were detected.
>>> Found 16 issue(s) in the package database.

>>> Summary of actions performed:

linux-c6-xorg-libs dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-fontconfig dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-expat dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-nss dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-cyrus-sasl2 dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-openldap dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-curl dependency failed to be fixed
linux_base-c6 dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-nspr dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-sqlite dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-qt47-x11 dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-qt47-webkit dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-openssl dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-libv4l dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-qt47 dependency failed to be fixed
linux-c6-pulseaudio-libs dependency failed to be fixed

>>> There are still missing dependencies.
>>> Try fixing them manually.

>>> Also make sure to check 'pkg updating' for known issues.

pkg: No packages available to install matching 'linux-c6-xorg-libs' have been found in the repositories

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