openjdk11 configue fail

Andy Farkas andyf at
Sun Nov 29 01:22:14 UTC 2020

Trying to build openjdk11 fails for me during config:


checking for version string... 11.0.9+11-1
configure: Found potential Boot JDK using configure arguments
configure: Potential Boot JDK found at /usr/local/bootstrap-openjdk11 is 
incorrect JDK version (); ignoring
configure: (Your Boot JDK version must be one of: 10 11)
configure: error: The path given by --with-boot-jdk does not contain a 
valid Boot JDK
configure exiting with result code 1
===>  Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.
Please report the problem to java at [maintainer] and attach the

I have installed bootstrap-openjdk11:

bootstrap-openjdk11-    =   up-to-date with index

I am running FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE #0 r367655 and have checked out latest 
ports tree.

Any ideas?


ps. I am not subscribed to -java mail list

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