problem building INDEX

Christoph Moench-Tegeder cmt at
Sat Nov 14 13:51:46 UTC 2020

## Robert Huff (roberthuff at

> make_index: /usr/ports/devel/gvfs: no entry for /usr/ports/net/samba410
>  Done.

Hm. net/samba410 is gone as of 2020-11-08. devel/gvfs pulls in
Samba by default via a USES on samba:lib, which should pull in
the default samba version - and the default default Samba version
is 4.12 (net/samba412) as per That
would suggest that you have set your Samba version via DEFAULT_VERSIONS
in make.conf or similar, which forces the dependency on the non-
existing Samba port.
(If this would be a general problem, we would see a lot of INDEX
build errors all over the place, but that is not the case.)


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