Sudden trouble with net/rdesktop

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Fri Nov 13 14:04:34 UTC 2020

On 11/13/20 1:52 PM, Yuri Pankov wrote:

> So we need the len of 128 we need size of digest buf to be > 256, the 
> following patch worked for me:

You beat me to this :)
I compiled rdesktop with DEBUG last night, but still it stripped the 
debug info. So I was not able to look at it yet.

> Also attached so you could simply drop it to files/ directory (if the 
> list will pass it through).

Works like a charm, thanks.

> Though I must admit I have no idea what 
> changed exactly on Windows side caused the digest size to grow that much.

Just out of curiosity, before the patch, I was able to connect to a a 
19H2, but got the assert with two another boxes with the same version. I 
wasn't able to connect to any 20H1 and I have no 20H2 to try.


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