Ports from github

Adam Weinberger adamw at adamw.org
Mon May 25 02:56:14 UTC 2020

On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 2:49 AM Matthew Seaman <matthew at freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 24/05/2020 03:39, Montgomery-Smith, Stephen wrote:
> > Is there a "howto" that explains how to build a port from a project that
> > is on github?  The FreeBSD porters handbook seems to assume a lot of
> > knowledge is already understood.
> Well, the only thing "different" about porting something from Github, as
> opposed to any other distfile location, occurs in the 'fetch' phase --
> actually pulling down the distfiles.  Once you've got past that, the
> rest of building the port is exactly the same as it would be if you got
> the distfiles from anywhere else.
> So, minimally a Github using port will set the following variables:
> PORTNAME= someport
> GH_ACCOUNT= someone
> and it won't set:
> An example from amongst the ports I maintain is database/pg_citus:
> PORTNAME=       citus
> PORTVERSION=    9.3.0
> USE_GITHUB=     yes
> GH_ACCOUNT=     citusdata
> From this, the ports can work out that the Github project is:
>    https://github.com/citusdata/citus/
>                       ^^^^^^^^^
>                       GH_ACCOUNT
>                                 ^^^^^
>                                 PORTNAME
> If you go to that project URL and look at their releases page:
>   https://github.com/citusdata/citus/releases
> you'll see the list of versions like so:
>   v9.3.0
>   ^ ^^^^
> That's all that is needed for this port to be able to download a tarball
> of the project's sources.
> Now, this is about the simplest possible example of what you might need
> when pulling sources from Github, and this pattern probably accounts for
> the largest fraction of the Github-using ports in the tree.
> Beyond that, the next largest fraction will be projects where the
> PORTNAME doesn't quite match the GH project URL, or their release tags
> specify the version as (eg.) v1_2_3 rather than v1.2.3 -- all just minor
> tweaks so the ports can put together the right URL to pull the distfiles
> from.
> Beyond that is where it can start to get pretty complicated though.
> Sometimes a project doesn't create formal releases, or you want to pull
> down a code base a few commits beyond the latest release, or the project
> uses a lot of different sub-projects linked into its tree from other
> github repositories.  Certain programs written in go are pretty
> notorious for this, and can end up with huge lists of distfiles.  See
> www/gitlab-pages for an example.
> Finally, and only if you really want to blow your mind: throw in an
> unreasonable number of port options to the mix.  www/nginx is the
> pinnacle (or is it nadir?) here.
> In general I'd offer the following three pieces of advice when trying to
> get to grips with a new area in porting:
>   * Find a good example of a port that does something similar and
>     blatantly copy it[*].
>   * Keep things as simple as possible (but no simpler).
>   * Work iteratively: start with something close, and make simple
>     minimal changes, one at a time and testing as you go, to get it spot
>     on.
> [*] The trick here is not to copy a port that does things sub-optimally.
>  Sods law has it that if there's a dozen good examples you might copy,
> and one bad one, it's the bad one that will seem like the most enticing
> prospect.
> If in doubt, ask.  It helps if you can provide a concrete example or a
> specific context for your questions, and indeed, trying to formulate
> such a question will often lead you directly to the answer yourself.
>         Cheers,
>         Matthew

Thank you, Matthew! This is such gold. Could you maybe dump that into
a page on the FreeBSD wiki? It'd be nice to have in the PHB but wiki
would be a great start. Clear explanations like this are precisely
what users need, and we need to start making them easier to find.

# Adam

Adam Weinberger
adamw at adamw.org

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