Grafana, Django, Graphite, ect

Xavier Humbert xavier at
Sat May 9 02:21:01 UTC 2020


In  my understanding, to work with graphite datasource, Grafana needs to
connect to graphite-web, since it cannot fetch data directly like with ELK.

But graphite-web is afaik, stucked with python 2.7, (and a bunch of py27
modules), while django 1.1.1 is EOLed. Tried django 2.2 (py37 only),
which as expected, crashes while importing modules.

So the simple question is : how to make all this stuff work with python
37, django 2 or 3, and recent graphite ? I know that (according to
graphite-web's github :

> ...keep in mind that Graphite-web supports Python versions *2.6 to
> 2.7* and Django versions *1.4 and above*.
So I think I will continue with python 2.7, but at least need to upgrade
django to the latest py27 version

I have plenty of time to test and try upgrading (thanks Covid), my
Grafana is not production yet, but I need some hints.




Xavier HUMBERT - Unix/Win/MacOSX Sysadmin/Network Engineer

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