ports/devel/xtensa-esp32-elf version

Peter Jeremy peter at rulingia.com
Thu Jun 4 10:19:53 UTC 2020

On 2020-Jun-03 15:14:46 -0700, Craig Leres <leres at freebsd.org> wrote:
>I worked up a version of the port that uses the esp-2020r1 release of
>https://github.com/espressif/crosstool-NG but I had not planned on
>upgrading to this until the project I wrote the port for has upgraded to
>esp-idf v4.X (this is in progress).
>The two options I see are (a) I can provide you a copy of what I current
>have working or (b) if there's enough interest I could create a new
>devel/xtensa-esp32-elf-devel port using esp-2020r1 or esp-2020r2.

It's not especially urgent for me.  I was looking at updating esp-idf and
discovered that doing so would also require updating the toolchain.  If you
would like to share what you currently have, I'll offer feedback of any
issues I run into.

One potential problem is that esp-idf requires a specific toolchain version
- toolchain_versions.mk contains a single SUPPORTED_TOOLCHAIN_COMMIT_DESC
so release/v4.0 and release/v4.1 require esp-2019r2, whilst release/v4.2
and master currently require esp-2020r1.  I'm not sure that there's any
solution other than you providing a toolchain to suit your personal needs.

>(I received both copies, maybe the bounce was from the ports at freebsd
>mailing list?)

I'll respond privately.

Peter Jeremy
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