Chromium (& derivatives) and Python 2.7

Ronald Klop ronald-lists at
Tue Jul 28 09:36:49 UTC 2020

The same problem is going to happen with mongodb36 I presume. It uses python2 to build, but does not need it to run.
Would it be possible to remove python2 as a RUN_DEPENDS at the end of 2020, but keep it as a BUILD_DEPENDS in the ports framework?

This might save some usefull ports.

How are other projects (like Debian, etc.) solving this?


Van: Adriaan de Groot <adridg at>
Datum: maandag, 27 juli 2020 21:36
Aan: freebsd-ports at
Onderwerp: Chromium (& derivatives) and Python 2.7
> The Chromium build system -- and as a consequence, also QtWebEngine -- still
> uses Python 2.7. This is going to be a real problem about six months down the
> line, and I have no idea how upstream is going to deal with it. I've heard
> there are patches buried deep within the chocolate factory, but not from
> reliable sources.
> QtWebEngine is an even specialer case, since it's an LTS and also the last LTS
> in the Qt5 series, and I have real doubts about upstream -- The Qt Company --
> being able or willing to deal with Python 2.7 deprecation there.
> Has anyone in FreeBSD tried to port the stuff over? I got about an hour or two
> into the porting process (making configure accept Python 3 is easy, but
> there's all these wretched code-generating scripts) and hit a brick wall of
> templating engines doing sensible Python 2.7 things.
> [ade]

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