sqlite3-3.32.3_1,1 no longer build with readline

marco marco+freebsd-ports at lordsith.net
Sat Jul 25 09:20:40 UTC 2020

I recently upgraded sqlite3 to sqlite3-3.32.3_1,1 via pkg upgrade.
I noticed the behaviour has changed and arrow up to recall the history
no longer works.
Seems the pkg is no longer being build with readline support.

 [~] pkg info sqlite3-3.32.3_1,1 | grep -i readline
        READLINEP      : off
        READLINES      : off

Not sure in which version this changed since I hadn't done a pkg upgrade for probably at least 2 weeks.

I hope this was some oversight and not a conscious decision?


Marco van Lienen -- Unix SysAdmin
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