why does pkg try to install an older version of pkg ?

Christoph Moench-Tegeder cmt at burggraben.net
Sat Jul 4 12:51:09 UTC 2020

## Kurt Jaeger (pi at opsec.eu):

> > So what repo is that and what does it offer?
> That's repo.nepustil.net, which is mostly up2date.

Are you sure you got the right path there? Any leftovers in /etc/pkg/
or /usr/local/etc/pkg/ ?
You could grab packagesite.txz from your repo, untar that and then
grep '"name":"pkg"' packagesite.yaml
Any brokenness in /var/db/pkg/ ?
There's a per-repo sqlite3 database which you could query like this:
select name, origin, version from packages where name = 'pkg';


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