set_rcvar() function use?

Pavel Timofeev timp87 at
Thu Jul 2 18:13:30 UTC 2020

Hello, dear community. I'm confused, please, help me.

There is a rc.subr function which was buried[1] and resurrected[2] after a
couple of years in almost the same form.

I don't know what happened behind the scenes, but I have a question.
Is it a preferable way to define a rc.conf variable these days in rc
scripts (again/over and over)?

If it is then I'd like to propose changes to FreeBSD porters handbook page
where basic rc script is described[3]

Also rc.subr(8) man page is missing set_rcvar() function description. BTW
it's missing a lot more functions description from rc.subr (are missing
functions for internal use only?)

If it's not then tell me please what it was resurrected for. Just curious
and for the record. I maintain several ports and want to know what is
considered the right/preferable way to write rc scripts.



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