Cannot build qt5-webkit with debug

Michael Osipov 1983-01-06 at
Fri Feb 28 17:32:36 UTC 2020

Am 2020-02-26 um 17:52 schrieb Marcin Cieslak:
> On Wed, 26 Feb 2020, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
>> Marcin Cieslak wrote on 2020/02/26 13:50:
>>> On Wed, 26 Feb 2020, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
>>>> And what is not working now with the line fontFamilyList->append...
>>>> removed()?
>>>> Should I report it upstream or is it FreeBSD specific problem?
>>> I think it is a bit too early to tell. I think it is not really
>>> FreeBSD-specific
>>> but there might be some quirks.
>>> I am rebuilding qt5-webkit now with debug symbols using your phantomfs
>>> port (thanks!) and I'll poke around a bit with debugger.
>> Just the small update.
>> phantomjs with modified version of qt5-webkit does not render any text
>> / fonts on the web page screenshots taken by
>> page.render('/tmp/page.png');
>> So... it builds, it does not crashes but rendered pages are "empty"
>> (pictures, background colors etc are rendered OK, but no fonts)
> This is expected. This line is responsible for finding fonts
> used to render the webpage. Michael just wanted to confirm
> this line is indeed causing the problem; we now have to figure
> out what exactly is going wrong here.


this is exactly what I expected. So did Marcin.
This is *not* a bugfix, but simply a proof for source the segfault.

Let's now remove the comment and try to narrow down the issue. Since the
code passes this assert:

> ASSERT(m_valueList->size() == 1);

and since

> RenderTheme::defaultTheme()->systemFont(systemFontID, fontDescription);

seems to work I assume that

> CSSValuePool::singleton().createFontFamilyValue()

is the problem.

Someone needs now to debug and check the systemFontID/fontDescription
value and report to upstream.

Since your simple webpage does not use any CSS, WebKit has to use some
internal basic CSS with font information and that one causes to fail for
some reason.


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