porting a python package with specific libraries versions as dependency

Alessandro Sagratini ale_sagra at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 25 08:22:49 UTC 2020

Hello all,
I was discussing [1] about porting oci-cli to ports tree. It is a python package, that should not be a big deal, though, investigating a bit more "requires" field in setup.py [2], I noticed it depends on specific python libraries, for example oci-sdk 2.10.5, configparser 3.5.0 or six 1.11.0.

What is the official FreeBSD packaging policy with regards to such python packages? What about installing something in a virtualenv?

[1] https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=244224
[2] https://github.com/oracle/oci-cli/blob/master/setup.py

Let me know if you need anything else from me.
Thank you,

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