What is the actual syntax used to FLAVOR ports?

Kevin Oberman rkoberman at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 05:44:54 UTC 2020

On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 1:27 PM Chris <portmaster at bsdforge.com> wrote:

> OK I know FLAVOR is an evolving concept. But I can not find
> the FLAVOR documentation. Only references in the porters
> handbook. What I think needs to be available is an entire
> list of flavor tags for all (port) categories.
> For example;
> make FLAVOR=python27 returns the error use py27.
> OK now I know how to flavor, and build python flavors.
> But what of Perl?
> make FLAVOR=perl2.8. Nope. How about make FLAVOR=p5-28,
> and so it goes...
> Does there exist a definitive list of flavors? It'd
> also be valuable for defining defaults in make.conf(5)
> Thanks!
> --Chris

The problem is not having a clear understanding of what a FLAVOR is and
when it is used.

FLAVORS are generally a way to deal with the problem of incompatible
versions and Python is the poster child. Python2 and Python3 are two
version of a VERY popular language that have significant syntax
incompatibilities. While a program written for gcc-4.2 should work fine
when compiled with gcc-7, it is VERY unlikely that a program written for
Python2 will work with Python3. While the changes needed are often fairly
straight forward, they have to be made. The result is a requirement of
having both interpreters installed and two packages of of most Python
libraries built from a single source.

Adding FLAVORS for a port is an expensive operation and is never lightly
approved by the ports management team as it adds a great deal of complexity
and both human and machine overhead. Requests to FLAVOR a port are
carefully reviewed and will only be approved with adequate justification.

In the case of Perl, no attempt to flavor it has been needed. Most Perl
packages (p5-*) will work with any of the three available ports. In most
cases they may be installed and continue to work across versions with no
changes. Python (py-) ports MUST be reinstalled to move from Python2 to
Python3. Some have not had required changes to work with Python3 made and,
initially, almost none did. Some have now been written with no support for
Python2. All of this has to be properly handled by the package building
system and it is not at all trivial.

As of today, I believe the only FLAVORed ports are those using emacs,
lazarus, php, and, of course, python. By "using", I mean that the port
Makefile includes "USE_PYTHON" or similar USE_ definitions of the other
languages. (Yes, emacs is not a language, but elisp, the core of emacs, is
and lazarus is an IDE for Pascal.)

I'm sorry of this is not entirely clear, but I hope it helps and I hope it
is all correct. I may have worded some of it poorly.
Kevin Oberman, Part time kid herder and retired Network Engineer
E-mail: rkoberman at gmail.com
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