DMA -- difference between base and port?

Dan Mahoney (Gushi) freebsd at
Mon Dec 21 11:12:09 UTC 2020

Hey there,

At the day job we've been using mail/dma port for a number of years now, 
and the rollout and config of files in /usr/local/etc/dma is part of our 
deploy process.

It only recently occurred to us that there was a "dma" in base since 
probably 11.0 (whomever wrote the release notes missed that -- and the 
manpage doesn't mention when it was added to FreeBSD).

We notice that the "newaliases" function in /etc/mail/mailer.conf is 
missing from the port version -- which means if you're using ports dma, 
you probably want to set newaliases to something like /usr/bin/true (dma 
doesn't use an aliases db, so there's no need to rebuild one, as 
newaliases would).  Again. something we noticed in our deployment 
process with puppet.

I can't find a feature-by-feature comparison for what one would install 
the port for (other than inertia, like we have).

There's no "version" command that I can find in DMA. (tried -h, -?, -v 
--version, -V).

Does "our" DMA track the Dragonfly version (like the base sendmail or 
openssl track world) or is it completely forked and unlikely to 
incorporate changes?  This would be useful in feature comparison.

Is it worth mentioning this in the pkg-message for mail/dma?



--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC

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