FreeBSD Port: roundcube-php80-1.4.9,1

Alex Dupre ale at
Tue Dec 8 09:45:48 UTC 2020

David Probst wrote:
> I have successfully installed fully working late(st) versions Apache with PHP support, dovecot, postfix and MySQL 8.x servers all happily doing the right things and yet Roundcube will not connect to the database server regardless. I even tried using MariaDB I still have no joy. There is something fundamentally wrong yet no log files or any other information I can find on the web has led me to overcome these last steps which has me somewhat perplexed.

The setup should be quite straight-forward, following just these two
entries in the INSTALL file:

4. Create a new database and a database user for Roundcube (see DATABASE
5. Point your browser to http://url-to-roundcube/installer/

Said so, you are using php8 and mysql8, and these versions can surely
give some more headaches:
1) PHP 8: I don't think it's officially supported by roundcube, it may
work but not 100% guaranteed
2) MySQL 8: it includes a change in the default authentication system
that broke almost all php installations. To restore the old behavior a
possibility is to use a my.cnf file with:

default_authentication_plugin = mysql_native_password

Alex Dupre

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