make.conf for a poudriere jail and CPUTYPE

Jan Beich jbeich at
Sat Sep 28 23:55:56 UTC 2019

tech-lists <tech-lists at> writes:

> On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 11:00:50PM +0100, tech-lists wrote:
> [...]
> in the meantime, for a test, I made a fresh poudriere jail, and tried to build
> lang/python36 with CPUTYPE?=btver1 in its make.conf and it fais the same way

Could be a compiler[1], kernel or hardware bug then. For compiler try using
clang80 from devel/llvm80 or upgrade to the upcoming FreeBSD 12.1. For kernel
try booting -CURRENT kernel (e.g., from snapshot) while keeping old world/base.
For hardware try reproducing on another machine or virtual machine.

Alternatively, track down which function returns unexpected result,
disassemble and/or minimize then ask for feedback on toolchain@ list.
To get debugging symbols build WITH_DEBUG=1.

Or maybe someone has better ideas.

[1] If the code uses instructions not supported by CPU then kernel
    should return SIGILL (and dump core) but maybe CPython catches the
    signal or similar.

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