Ansible playbooks for building a poudriere test system

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Mon Sep 23 20:32:09 UTC 2019

On 23/09/2019 14:27, Bernhard Fröhlich wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 10:27 AM Matthew Seaman <matthew at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I put this together as the basis of the class I gave at EuroBSDCon a few
>> days ago, and I thought I'd share it as it might prove useful:
>> This should be able to take an 'as installed' FreeBSD machine with just
>> a local user account added, or the default config of a VM from AWS,
>> Azure etc. upto a fully configured poudriere build box.  Currently it
>> sets up jails suitable for running build tests on updated ports, but
>> turning it into a system for managing a private ports repo should be
>> pretty simple.
> Sounds like a good base for caronade which would integrate with github
> and trigger the poudriere build.

Yes, that does look interesting.  I've just been using a small shell
script to rebuild the ports I'm interested in, but I can see that a more
continuously integrated system is going to be a popular choice.



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