packaging a port that uses npm during build.

Yuri yuri at
Wed Oct 30 17:13:08 UTC 2019

On 2019-10-28 04:17, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
> I think I read once somewhere that there is also a "flag" that 
> indicates that the port wants network access during the build. Is that 
> feasible? 

No, this isn't/shouldn't be possible.

Please look at how misc/netron is done. It pre-packages NPM modules into 
a separate distfile.

CAVEAT: Please keep in mind that NodeJS downloads JS files from a 
multitude of GitHub locations, which makes this technology fundamentally 
insecure because any malicious  or otherwise harmful change in any of 
the hundreds of projects would be automatically propagated into the 
FreeBSD package and further to the users. For this reason NodeJS 
software is less secure and for example RPM and Debian packages often 
(or always) just don't include such software into their distributions.

misc/netron only has a few js files installed so it is okay. You can 
also do the same with more complex projects, with the above caveat.



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