INDEX build failed for 11.x

Ports Index build indexbuild at
Wed Oct 9 18:06:14 UTC 2019

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-11 - please wait..--- describe.accessibility ---
--- describe.arabic ---
--- describe.archivers ---
--- describe.astro ---
--- ---
--- describe.benchmarks ---
--- describe.biology ---
--- describe.cad ---
--- describe.chinese ---
--- describe.comms ---
--- describe.converters ---
--- describe.databases ---
--- describe.deskutils ---
--- describe.devel ---
--- describe.dns ---
--- describe.editors ---
--- describe.emulators ---
--- ---
--- describe.french ---
--- describe.ftp ---
--- ---
--- describe.german ---
--- ---
--- describe.devel ---
make[5]: "/home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/devel/llvm70/Makefile" line 213: Need an operator
make[5]: "/home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/devel/llvm70/Makefile" line 215: if-less endif
make[5]: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue===> devel/llvm70 failed
*** [describe.devel] Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports

make[2]: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports
1 error

Committers on the hook:
 amdmi3 brooks dmgk jrm ler mandree 

Most recent SVN update was:
Updating '.':
U    devel/llvm70/Makefile
U    astro/mkgmap/Makefile
U    astro/mkgmap/distinfo
U    mail/fetchmail/Makefile
A    mail/fetchmail/files/
A    mail/fetchmail/files/patch-t.smoke
U    mail/dovecot/Makefile
U    mail/dovecot/pkg-plist
U    security/Makefile
A    security/aws-vault
A    security/aws-vault/Makefile
A    security/aws-vault/distinfo
A    security/aws-vault/pkg-descr
U    security/lego/Makefile
U    security/lego/distinfo
U    databases/pspg/Makefile
U    databases/pspg/distinfo
U    .gitauthors
Updated to revision 514178.

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