Is IPV6 option still necessary?

abi abi at
Tue Oct 8 19:18:35 UTC 2019

07.10.2019 09:18, Yasuhiro KIMURA пишет:
> On October 10, 2012 IPV6 option of all ports was enabled by
> default. Commit message said "We are in 2012, it is time to activate
> IPV6 options by default everywhere".
> And now we are in 2019. IPv6 is more widely used than 2012. So I
> wonder if IPV6 option is still necessary.
> If you use official packages then you always use IPv6-enabled
> binaries. And even if you build packages by yourself you still use
> IPv6-enabled ones unless you disable IPV6 option. So I think at most
> only a few people uses IPv6-disabled packages.
> Are there anybody who still disables IPV6 option for some serious
> reason such as working around IPv6-related problem? If there aren't
> then I think it's time to remove IPV6 option from ports framework.
I'm writing from 2019 and I build kernel and ports without IPv6. For all 
this years I fail to understand why I need it.

My home devices fit nicely, I have faith in NAT and I 
encountered no IPv6-only sites.

But I saw CVEs in IPv6 stack.

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