Need a committer for textproc/sigil update

Kubilay Kocak koobs at
Sun Mar 31 12:45:49 UTC 2019

On 31/03/2019 8:21 pm, Jonathan Chen wrote:
> Hi,
> Could a committer please take a look at:
> It got picked up by swills@ a few days ago, and it appears to have
> stalled. I'm unsure as to whether it's with me or the assignee.
> Cheers.

Hi Jonathan,

It can take time once assigned to be committed. Periods of a few days to 
a week or so are not uncommon.

Steve usually picks up several/many issues he plans on working on in 
bulk, and commits them once they've been through review/QA.

Contributors can help by ensuring they've already run their changes 
through QA (portlint, poudriere at least), and confirming that they have 
passed, in their submission. Something like the following is good:

portlint: OK (looks fine.)
testport: OK (poudriere: <versions>, <archs>, <OPTIONS> tested)
maketest: OK (XXX of YYY tests PASS)

If it takes longer than a couple of weeks, we can reset assignment based 
on an 'assignee timeout'.

If there is no explicit request for feedback/additional changes, which 
people can request by setting maintainer-feedback to ? <your-email>, 
then it's not with you.


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