INDEX build failed for 13.x

Ports Index build indexbuild at
Fri Jun 14 17:17:14 UTC 2019

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-13 - please wait..--- describe.accessibility ---
--- describe.arabic ---
--- describe.archivers ---
--- describe.astro ---
--- ---
--- describe.benchmarks ---
--- describe.biology ---
--- describe.cad ---
--- describe.chinese ---
--- describe.comms ---
--- describe.converters ---
--- describe.databases ---
--- describe.deskutils ---
--- describe.devel ---
--- describe.dns ---
--- describe.editors ---
--- describe.emulators ---
--- ---
--- describe.emulators ---
echo: write error on stdout
--- describe.emulators ---
===> emulators/wxmupen64plus failed
*** [describe.emulators] Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports
--- describe.devel ---
===> devel/fpc-pthreads failed
*** [describe.devel] Error code 1

make[2]: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports

make[2]: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports
2 errors

Committers on the hook:
 amdmi3 jbeich kai matthew pkubaj yuri 

Most recent SVN update was:
Updating '.':
U    sysutils/pcbsd-libsh/pkg-descr
A    math/boolector
A    math/boolector/Makefile
A    math/boolector/distinfo
A    math/boolector/files
A    math/boolector/files/patch-CMakeLists.txt
A    math/boolector/files/patch-src_CMakeLists.txt
A    math/boolector/pkg-descr
A    math/boolector/pkg-plist
U    math/Makefile
A    math/btor2tools
A    math/btor2tools/Makefile
A    math/btor2tools/distinfo
A    math/btor2tools/files
A    math/btor2tools/files/
A    math/btor2tools/pkg-descr
U    mail/dcc-dccd/Makefile
U    games/netradiant/Makefile
A    print/libraqm/files
A    print/libraqm/files/patch-src_raqm.c
U    graphics/gimp-app/Makefile
U    graphics/libjxr/files/patch-jxrlib_warnings
U    graphics/py-pillow/Makefile
U    devel/p5-B-C/Makefile
U    devel/py-pytest-helpers-namespace/Makefile
UU   devel/py-pytest-helpers-namespace/distinfo
U    devel/py-cerberus/Makefile
U    devel/py-cerberus/distinfo
U    Mk/
U    www/firefox/Makefile
A    www/firefox/files/patch-bug1559213
U    databases/phpmyadmin/Makefile
U    databases/phpmyadmin/distinfo
U    security/vuxml/vuln.xml
Updated to revision 504172.

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