py27 ./. py3 version of ports

Matthias Apitz guru at
Thu Jan 10 11:58:51 UTC 2019

El día jueves, enero 10, 2019 a las 11:14:19a. m. +0000, Matthew Seaman escribió:

> On 10/01/2019 10:04, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> > I've compiled on CURRENT the ports of December 23 from SVN with my
> > poudriere oven. ANd I have nothing set about FLAVOR in make.conf for
> > python. Why d I habe now some 157 py27 ports and only 4 py3:
> > 
> > $ ls -l /usr/PKGDIR.20181223/py27* | wc -l
> >       157
> > $ ls -l /usr/PKGDIR.20181223/py3* | wc -l
> >         4
> > 
> > in my local repository? Perhaps I did something stupid wrong.
> > 
> Python 2.7 is still the default in ports -- that's the flavour you're 
> going to get unless you say otherwise.  You'ld get py36 flavours if you 
> had something that was python36 specific on your build list, or you'ld 
> configured some ports to build that way in the list of what you want 
> poudriere to build by appending @py36 to the port name.
> You can get poudriere to generate packages for all of the different 
> standard(*) flavours by appending '@all' to the port name you give as 
> input to poudriere, or to build absolutely all standard flavours for 
> everything by adding FLAVOR_DEFAULT_ALL=yes to poudriere.conf

Thanks for the explanation and I'm fine with the py27 ports.

The background for my question is: I'm porting an AI system
to CURRENT which is written for Linux and make excessive use of Python3.

What I have to set in poudriere to get some required py3 packages built as
well, but WITHOUT changing the dependency for my ~2000 packages which pulled
somehow in the standard py27 ports?



Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key:
October, 7 -- The GDR was different: Peace instead of Bundeswehr and wars, Druschba
instead of Nazis, to live instead of to survive.

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