INDEX build failed for 11.x

Ports Index build indexbuild at
Tue Jan 8 15:07:47 UTC 2019

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX-11 - please wait..--- describe.accessibility ---
--- describe.arabic ---
--- describe.archivers ---
--- describe.astro ---
--- ---
--- describe.benchmarks ---
--- describe.biology ---
--- describe.cad ---
--- describe.chinese ---
--- describe.comms ---
--- describe.converters ---
--- describe.databases ---
--- describe.deskutils ---
--- describe.devel ---
--- describe.dns ---
--- describe.editors ---
--- describe.emulators ---
--- ---
--- describe.french ---
--- describe.ftp ---
--- describe.print ---
--- describe.russian ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- describe.shells ---
--- describe.sysutils ---
--- describe.textproc ---
--- describe.ukrainian ---
--- describe.vietnamese ---
--- describe.www ---
--- describe.x11 ---
--- describe.x11-clocks ---
--- describe.x11-drivers ---
--- describe.x11-fm ---
--- describe.x11-fonts ---
--- describe.x11-servers ---
--- describe.x11-themes ---
--- describe.x11-toolkits ---
--- describe.x11-wm ---
make_index: /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/devel/py-django-tastypie-mongoengine: no entry for /home/indexbuild/tindex/ports/devel/py-mongoengine

Committers on the hook:
 0mp dvl emaste mat pi riggs sunpoet swills tobik 

Most recent SVN update was:
Updating '.':
A    databases/py-mongoengine
A    databases/py-mongoengine/Makefile
A    databases/py-mongoengine/distinfo
A    databases/py-mongoengine/pkg-descr
D    devel/py-mongoengine
U    devel/py-pooch/Makefile
U    devel/marisa-trie/Makefile
U    devel/stack/Makefile
U    textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-websupport/Makefile
U    textproc/py-sphinxcontrib-adadomain/Makefile
U    audio/deadbeef/Makefile
U    audio/clementine-player/Makefile
U    audio/ympd/Makefile
U    audio/xmixer/Makefile
U    japanese/font-mona-ipa/Makefile
U    japanese/dbskkd-cdb/Makefile
U    security/libsodium/Makefile
U    security/yersinia/Makefile
U    net-im/py-slixmpp/Makefile
U    net-im/py-slixmpp/distinfo
U    net-im/py-slixmpp/pkg-descr
U    net-im/telepathy-gabble/Makefile
U    emulators/qemu-sbruno/Makefile
U    java/jd-gui/Makefile
U    mail/qgmailnotifier/Makefile
U    mail/ratelimit-policyd/Makefile
U    math/openlibm/Makefile
U    net/fiche/Makefile
U    net/minidlna/Makefile
U    net/p5-ldap2pf/Makefile
U    net/p5-ldap2pw/Makefile
U    net/p5-srv2pf/Makefile
U    net/rdapper/Makefile
U    net/p5-Net-HL7/Makefile
U    net/quagga/Makefile
U    net/quagga/pkg-plist
U    net/frr3/Makefile
U    net/frr4/Makefile
U    net/frr5/Makefile
U    net/frr6/Makefile
U    net-mgmt/cdpsnarf/Makefile
U    sysutils/atf-allwinner/Makefile
U    sysutils/node_exporter/Makefile
U    sysutils/node_exporter/distinfo
U    sysutils/p5-File-Stat-Bits/Makefile
A    sysutils/p5-File-Stat-Bits/files
A    sysutils/p5-File-Stat-Bits/files/patch-t_gen-stat.c
U    www/py-django-constance/Makefile
U    www/py-django-jsonfield/Makefile
U    lang/ocaml/Makefile
U    x11-fonts/andika/Makefile
U    x11-fonts/andika/distinfo
U    x11-fonts/andika/pkg-descr
U    editors/gedit/Makefile
U    irc/thales/Makefile
Updated to revision 489693.

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