Rancid3 update to 3.9?

Kubilay Kocak koobs at FreeBSD.org
Wed Feb 20 03:19:38 UTC 2019

On 20/02/2019 10:23 am, Dan Mahoney (Gushi) wrote:
> All,
> Rancid3 has been updated to 3.9, upstream.  I've contacted the 
> maintainer, but it might be stuck.  Would a patch be helpful?
> -Dan Mahoney

Hi Dan,

Patches are always welcome (and desirable) :)

Best is a Bugzilla issue created "net-mgmt/rancid3: Update to 3.9" with 
a patch (unified diff against the port dir) attached. This will also 
automatically assign and notify the maintainer (CC'd).

Bonus points for QA testing it with portlint and poudriere, 
details/instructions here:


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