make delete-old-libs is your friend

George Mitchell george+freebsd at
Mon Apr 15 00:25:49 UTC 2019

But I forgot that, and ended up with both /lib/
AND /usr/local/lib/ on my machine, leading to woe
when compiling the latest lang/python36.  Unfortunately, the base
version readline was quite a bit older than the one from ports.

Nevertheless, the ports version is explicitly linked as, the same as the old base version, so python36
tried linking to the base version and failed because it did not
contain the new(ish) function rl_callback_sigcleanup.

There's no question I shot myself in the foot by not deleting
the old libraries (an omission I have now remedied after a fair
amount of thrashing around to see what was wrong), but it might
have made my life a little easier if the port devel/readline
linked itself as instead of 8.  Is there a
recommended practice (or should there be one) to change the .so
version when simultaneously moving a base library to ports and a
new version?                                           -- George

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