"libicuuc.so.61" not found, required by "libephymisc.so" on RPi2

Steve Kargl sgk at troutmask.apl.washington.edu
Fri Apr 12 16:02:44 UTC 2019

On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 08:32:57AM -0700, bob prohaska wrote:
> Can anybody tell me how to fix an error reported by www/epiphany on an RPi2,
> "libicuuc.so.61" not found, required by "libephymisc.so" with the system
> at 11.2-STABLE #2 r345473 and ports at 498696 ?
> Both epiphany and icu are up to date, there was no deliberate deletion
> of old libraries but apparently it happened anyway.
> Thank for reading, and any guidance!

% cat /etc/libmap.conf
includedir /usr/local/etc/libmap.d
libicudata.so.63 libicudata.so.64
libicui18n.so.63 libicui18n.so.64
libicuio.so.63 libicuio.so.64
libicutu.so.63 libicutu.so.64
libicuuc.so.63 libicuuc.so.64

Choose your numbers accordingly.


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