Crashing Apache port

Jonathan Chen jonc at
Tue Apr 2 19:48:44 UTC 2019

On Wed, 3 Apr 2019 at 07:48, The Doctor via freebsd-ports
<freebsd-ports at> wrote:
> Got a major concern.
> I upgraded to FreeBSD 12.0 over the weekend.
> Ports were upgraded correct on the servers.
> Made an adjustment for apache 2.4 .
> Suddenly one one server httpd is crashing without reason.
> Ran gbd it turns out a module in devel/apr1 might be at issue.
> Can we get consistency?

Since no one else running apache 2.4 is seeing this, I would suggest
that the issue is due to your upgrade rather than the port. Are you
*SURE* that all your ports were rebuilt correctly? Have you removed
the compatibility shim? ie:
  # cd /usr/src
  # yes | make delete-old delete-old-libs

If a port refuses to start once the old-libs have been removed, it
indicates that it is outdated and needs to be recompiled.

Jonathan Chen <jonc at>

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