Problem with net-mgmt/check_ipmi_sensor

Andrea Venturoli ml at
Sun Sep 30 14:43:32 UTC 2018


I've got a problem with this port: I'm running it from a Nagios instance 
on another host (through NRPE3) and I need sudo to do this, as NRPE3 
will run as user nagios.

_ running "/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_ipmi_sensor" as root works;
_ running "/usr/local/bin/sudo 
/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_ipmi_sensor" as user nagios works;
_ running "/usr/local/libexec/nagios/check_nrpe3 -n -H xxx -c 
check_ipmi" (which runs the above command remotely) does not work.

I pinpointed it to this code:
> sub get_sel{
>         my @selcmd = @{(shift)};
>         my $verbosity = shift;
>         my $sel;
>         if(-e '/usr/sbin/ipmi-sel'){
>                 $sel = '/usr/sbin/ipmi-sel';
>         }
>         else{
>                 chomp($sel = `which ipmi-sel`);
>         }

Of course we don't have /usr/sbin/ipmi-sel, but 
/usr/local/sbin/ipmi-sel, so we end up in the else clause, but $sel is 
empty after this line if (and only if) this script is called from NRPE3.

I don't know PERL at all, so I solved by just hardcoding the correct 
path in my script.

This is just to let you know :)

  bye & Thanks

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