New Ports Wildfly14, 13 and 12

Simeo Reig reig.simeo at
Wed Oct 24 14:56:21 UTC 2018

Hi all

I have ported Wildfly12, Wildfly13 and Wildfly14 to freeBSD, based on ports
of former versions ported by yerenkow.

PRs are:

Version 14 does not made obsolete Version 13 and so on. For example,
version 14 is the first one java8EE certificate but there are still lots
of  people that still uses java7EE. Java8EE is retrocompatible with java7EE
but all know that bugs happen.

The last version thats current in ports , Wildfly 11, is one year old maybe
too old taking into account Wildfly versions are released quarterly.

Those are my first FreeBSD ports, so if someone can take a look and give
comments or commit them if they are OK it should be great.

They are tested and working under production in our premises.

My best regards and long live to freeBSD project!

Simeó Reig

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